Saturday, October 19, 2013

9.7, the last semi-short summary (for a while)

Section 9.7 is entitled “Qualitative Analysis of Linear Systems.”

Here’s a quick recap of how to solve a linear system:

1. Find an integer p such that the nullspace of [A – λI]p has dimension q.

2. Find the basis of the nullspace of [A – λI]p in the form {v1, v2,…, vn}

3. For each vj (where 1 ≤ j ≤ q), we have an equation of the form

Something we can notice about our solution procedure from the previous section is that we’ll have a linear combination of solutions corresponding to generalized eigenvectors.
If λ is a real eigenvalue, then every component of x(t) has the form eλtP(t). In this case, P(t) is a real-valued polynomial.

If λ = α + iβ (i.e. if λ is a complex number) and its algebraic multiplicity q, then the eigenvector v will be complex too. Every component of x(t) has the form eλtP(t), but this time P(t) is complex valued. If we write P(t) as Q(t) + i*R(t) and

 Then every component of x(t) has the form

In conclusion, every component of real solutions is the sum of functions that have the form

In this case, p and q are polynomials, and α is the real part of an eigenvalue.

Here’s a theorem for you:

“Let A be an n × n matrix.

1. Suppose that the real part of every eigenvalue is negative. Then every solution to the system x’ = Ax tends toward the equilibrium point at the origin at t → ∞.

2. Suppose that A has at least one eigenvalue with a positive real part. Then there are solutions to the system x’ = Ax starting arbitrarily close to the equilibrium point at the origin that get arbitrarily large as t → ∞” (430).

This theorem refers to both real and complex eigenvalues of A.

Suppose that y’ = f(y) is autonomous and y0 is an equilibrium point. So we’ll say y­0 is stable “if, for every ∈ > 0, there is a δ > 0 such that if y(t) is a solution that satisfies |y(0) – y0| < δ, then y(0) – y0| < ∈ for all t > 0” (431). In other words, y0 is stable if every solution that starts close to y0 stays close to y0 as t increases.

The difference between an equilibrium point being stable and asymptotically stable is there is “an η > 0 such that every solution y(t) satisfying |y(0) – y0| < η approaches y0 as t increases” (431). In other words, every solution will stay reasonably close to y0 if they start reasonably close to y0.

Back in some other section, we talked about six different cases of curves. ( A spiral sink and a nodal sink are both asymptotically stable. Therefore any asymptotically stable equilibrium point is called a sink.

There’s a distinction between stable and asymptotically stable because there are equilibrium points, such as a center, that are stable but not asymptotically stable.
An equilibrium point is unstable if “there is an ∈ > 0 such that for any δ > 0 there is a solution y(t) with |y(0) – y0| < δ, but for which there are values of t with |y(0) – y0| > ∈” (431). Examples of unstable equilibrium points are spiral sources, nodal sources, and saddle points. However, a saddle point isn’t source, which is the opposite of asymptotically stable.

So if we revise our theorem, for a linear system x’ = Ax has an asymptotically stable 0 if the real part of every eigenvalue of A is negative. But if there’s one eigenvalue with a positive real part, then 0 is unstable.

So that’s it for 9.7! Hooray!

Considering that 9.8 and 9.9 are fairly long, enjoy this while it lasts. I for one am not excited to summarize 9.8 and 9.9, but as of this summary, I have 17 more of these things to do before I’m free from the terror of summarize math things. Double hooray! may or may not help you. I’m not very sure what a lemma is, but I’m sure it’s a magical device that can help us all understand math better. Also, I’m fairly confident this is talking about the same stuff we talked about today.

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