Saturday, October 5, 2013

4 chapters down (technically), 3 chapters to go. (8.5)

Section 8.5 is entitled “Properties of Linear Systems.”

I have a feeling a lot of this section will be direct quotes from the book, considering that this section contains quite a few proofs.

“Suppose x1 and x are solutions to the homogeneous linear system x’ = Ax. If C1 and C2 are any constants, then x = C1x1 + C2x2 is also a solution to [this system]” (362).
Using the properties of matrix multiplication, we can prove this:
Note that this theorem works if and only if the system is linear and homogeneous.

“Suppose that x1, x2, … , and xk are all solutions to the homogeneous linear system x’ = Ax. Then any linear combination of x1, x2, … , and xk is also a solution. Thus for any constants C1, C2, … , Ck, the function

is a solution to x’ = Ax” (363).

So if we have a system, and we want x to be a solution to that system such that x can be expressed as

In this case, x1 and x are solutions to our system, and C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants. Our goal would be to find C1 and C2 which would make our expression of x satisfied for all t. If we know something about our solutions x1 and x2, like what their values would be at a specific time/point t, we could solve for C1 and C2 at that time/point. We have a handy exactness/uniqueness theorem we can use that would imply our equation would be satisfied for all t. Hooray!

However, something to note that we can only solve our constants provided the matrix

is nonsingular. The matrix will be nonsingular if x1(t0) and x2(t0) are linearly independent. In this case x­11 and x12 are the values for x1 at our specific value of t, and x21 and x22 are the values for x2 at our specific value of t. I suppose I could have made this a little more general, and expanded the rows to contain values x1n and x2n, but you get the idea. This works (just in case you’re a little foggy on matrix multiplication) because x(t0) can be compacted to
The dimension of the first matrix is n × 2, and the dimension of the second matrix is 2 × 1. The multiplication is valid. Double hooray!

Let’s look at a proposition concerning this.

“Suppose y1(t), y2(t), … , and (t), … , and yk(t) are solutions to the n-dimensional system y’ = Ay defined on the interval I = (α, β).
1. If the vectors y1(t0), y2(t0), … , and yk(t0) are linearly dependent for some t0 ∈ I, then there are contestants C1, C2, … , and Ck, not all zero, such that C1y1(t) + C2y2(t) + … + Ckyk(t) = 0 for all t ∈ I. In particular, y1(t), y2(t), … , and yk(t) are linearly dependent for all t ∈ I.
2. If for some t0 ∈ I the vectors y1(t0), y2(t0), .. , and yk(t0) are linearly independent, then y1(t), y2(t), … , and yk(t) are linearly independent for all t ∈ I” (365).

The definition that arises from this is fairly straightforward. If there is one value of t that makes the linear system y’ = Ay linearly independent, then the set of all k solutions of the system is also linearly independent.

“Suppose y1, …, and yn are linearly independent solutions to the n-dimensional linear system y’(t) = Ay(t). Then any solution y can be expressed as a linear combination of y1, …, and yn. That is, there are constants C1, …, and C­n such that
for all t” (365).

If our homogeneous and linear system has a set of n linearly independent solutions, it’ll be called the fundamental set of solutions.

Our last theorem provides us with a way of finding general solutions to the homogeneous system y’ = Ay:
1. Find n linearly independent solutions y1, y2, …, yn.
2. Show the n solutions are linearly independent.
3. Make the general solution
C1, C2, …, and Cn are arbitrary constants.

Elaborating on step 2, we only have to show linear independence for one value of t. A great way to do this is to use determinants and the Wronskian. I barely covered this in section 4.1 (which turned out to not be a thing in this class for a while). Hooray! My inability to follow the weekly schedule early on has finally paid off!

If for one value of t, the Wronskian is not equal to zero, then the n solutions are linearly independent.

That’s all for chapter 8! I know I’ll have the time, but if I have the motivation, then I’ll get started on chapter 9.

I’ll see you when I see you.

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