Section 9.3 is entitled “Phase Plane Portraits.”
Let us recall what we know about the system y’ = Ay.
Notice that this system is autonomous,
which means we’ll be looking at the phase plane to visualize solutions. If we
had a linear homogeneous system Ay =
0, then our set of equilibrium
points would be v ∈ R2 such that Av = 0. In other words,
the set is the nullspace of A. If A is nonsingular, then the only equilibrium
point is the origin 0. If A is
singular, the equilibrium points are the points in its nullspace (which could
be a line or all of R2).
In any event, these cases have special names.
The book goes over 6 important cases. Three of these cases have real
eigenvalues, and the other three have complex eigenvalues.
![]() |
The six types ( |
Real Eigenvalues
So when we’re considering real eigenvalues of
A, recall that we know T2 – 4D > 0. This means our eigenvalues
Something to note is that λ1 < λ2.
Also from last section, we know that the
general solution is
Like last time, C1 and C2
are arbitrary constants and v1
and v2 are eigenvectors
that are associated with λ1 and λ2.
If either C1 or C2 is
equal to zero, then there are the solutions
These are called exponential solutions. If we
simplified things down to λ being an eigenvalue for A and v being the associated eigenvector, then exponential solutions have
the form
Something to note about this form is that y(t) will always be a multiple of v. The solution traces out a half-line
consisting of positive multiples of Cv.
There are two solution curves in the phase plane that depend on the sign of C.
Since these solutions are half-lines, exponential solutions are also known as
half-line solutions.
There are two cases when you consider λ: when
λ > 0 and when λ < 0. When λ > 0, eλt increases. These
solutions go away from the equilibrium point at the origin when t increases and
goes to the origin as t gets negative. These type of solutions are called
unstable solutions. Therefore, when there is a positive eigenvalue, there are
two unstable half-line solution curves.
The other case is when λ < 0. Not
surprisingly, this is the exact opposite (eλt decreases, go away
from equilibrium point at the origin when t decreases and approaches the origin
when t increases) so these solutions are called stable solutions. This means
for negative eigenvalues there are two stable half-line solution curves.
one: saddle point
The first case is when eigenvalues are real
and have different signs, so λ1 < 0 < λ2.
When C2 = 0, we will get two stable
half-line solutions. When C1 = 0, we will get two unstable half-line
This would be a superposition of the two
exponential solutions. As t gets very large, the first part of the solution
(with C1) will tend to 0
so the solution as a whole will tend to the latter part (with C2).
The opposite will happen when t gets very negative.
“Geometrically, this means
that the solution curve goes to ∞, asymptotic to the half-line generated by C1v1” (394).
two: nodal sink
The next case is when both eigenvalues are
negative, i.e. λ1 < λ2 < 0. The solution is still
Like last time, if either of the constants are
zero, the solution is exponential. This time, however, both eigenvalues are
negative so all of the solutions are stable. When both C1 and C2
are nonzero, we get the superposition of both exponential solutions:
In the first rewriting, the bracketed part converges
to C2v2. In
the second rewriting, the bracketed part approaches C1v1.
Something cool to note about linear systems
with two negative eigenvalues is that “…all solution curves approach the origin
as t → ∞ with a well-defined tangent line” (397). Solutions with this type of
behavior (approaching their equilibrium points as t goes to infinity) are
called nodal sinks. If the solution curves approach their equilibrium points as
t goes to negative infinity with a well-defined tangent line, they are called
nodal sources. Thus planar systems with two negative eigenvalues will have a
nodal sink at the origin.
three: nodal source
This case is where both eigenvalues are
positive, i.e. 0 < λ1 < λ2. We already defined what
a nodal source is. In other words, a nodal source parallels a nodal sink, but
with time reversed.
Complex Eigenvalues
So the final three cases are when the
eigenvalues are complex.
one: center
This is the case where the eigenvalues are
purely imaginary. This means that α = 0, so then the general solution will
The trigonometric functions are both periodic.
They will have a period 2π/|β|. This means that y(t) will have the same property. This means that the solution
trajectory is a closed curve since it orbits the origin with its period.
The distinguishing characteristic of this case
is that the equilibrium point is surrounded by closed solution curves. This
property is why the equilibrium points for planar systems are call centers.
This means that planar systems with purely imaginary eigenvalues will have
centers at the origin.
two: spiral sink
This is the case where the real part of the
eigenvalue is negative. The general solution would look like this:
The term inside of the brackets is what we
looked at in the center case. These terms are periodic with a period T =
2π/|β|. By themselves, they parameterize ellipses centered at the origin.
However, they are now being modified with the factor of exp(αt). This was the
case where α is negative, so that exponential will go to zero as t gets very
negative. This means that there are solution curves circles the origin, but
these curves are also drawn toward the origin, which results in a spiral motion.
Because the solution curves spiral to the equilibrium point, they are all
stable. This characteristic makes the solutions spiral sinks. Therefore any
linear systems with complex eigenvalues having negative real parts have a
spiral sink at the origin.
three: spiral source
This is the case where the real part of the
eigenvalue is positive. The general solution has a form very similar to the spiral
sink, but with α being positive. This means the amplitude of oscillation will
increase as solutions spiral about the origin. This is the behavior of a spiral
source. Therefore, linear systems with complex eigenvalues with positive real
parts have spiral source at the origin.
Sometimes you want to know whether the motion
of a spiral is clockwise or counterclockwise, but you have no Google or
calculator to tell you the answer. One way you can find out is to compute a
vector in the vector field determined by the right hand side of your system.
If we have a matrix
We also have complex eigenvalues, so we can
compute the vector field at, say, (1, 0)T.
If a21 > 0, then the vector will
point into the upper half-plane, which means the rotation is counterclockwise.
If a21 < 0, then the vector will point into the lower half plane,
meaning that the rotation is clockwise.
That’s all for 9.3! It was a lot to take in.
It was also a lot to write out. Yay content-heavy sections!
I’ll see you when I see you.
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